Resources index

Support Training Materials

Please follow the link to open the document of your choice


Getting started video 
Getting started Presentation
Activity Logs
Assessment plans
Assessor feedback
Continued access to VQManager when completed
Deleted and deleting evidence
Emailing into VQManager
Emailing into VQManager – video
Email summary notifications
Evidence – logging
Evidence – returned by assessor for action
Expert Witness 
File Library
Gap Analysis
Induction presentation
Logging evidence
Notifications via email
Off the Job Training
Password resetting/forgotten
Password security tips
Password strength meter
Progress reviews
Progression Tracker
Quickstart manual 
Reusing evidence
Shortcuts page


Getting started
Assessment plans
Assessment Plans – single
Assessment Plans – multiple
Assessment plans – signing off
Assessment plan – video
Activity log for assessors – CPD recording
Activity log for the learner
Assigning units
Bespoke reporting
Countersigning Trainee assessors
Deleted and deleting evidence
Emailing into VQManager
Emailing into VQManager – video
Email summary notifications
EPA exporting Evidence
EPA exporting Activity Logs
EPA exporting Diary Entries
Evidence summary displayed in To Do tab
Expert witness
File Library
Gap Analysis
Learner induction presentation
Multi assessor function
Notifications via email
Off the job training
Quickstart manual
Password resetting/forgotten
Password strength meter
Planning work for your learner
Progress reviews
Progression Tracker
Recording sessions as evidence e.g. Skype
Report Builder
Reusing evidence
Rules of combination
Shortcuts page
Sign off – unit
Sign off – qualification
Unit completion


Getting started video
Activity logs
Activity Log for the learner

Bespoke reporting
Countersigning – Assessor/Trainee Assessor
Email summary notifications 
File library
Lead IQA Collaboration
Notifications – units sign off by assessor 
Quickstart manual 
Password resetting/forgotten

Password strength meter

Report Builder
Report writing 
Sampling plans 
Sign off – unit 
Sign off – qualification 


Quickstart manual 
Password resetting/forgotten
Report writing 

Other System User

Bespoke reportting
Other System User Guidance 
Password resetting/forgotten

Employer / Line Manager 

Bespoke reporting
Employer Guidance
Email summary notifications 
Confirming OTJ Hours

Confirming qualification sign off
Password resetting.forgotten
Password security
Password strength meter
Progression Tracker
Progress Review

Shortcuts page
Getting started video – employer

Centre Administrator 

Adding a new qualification to the centre 
Add new employer
Add new curriculum (or renamed filter
Add new custom filter
Additional User fields and report
Archiving learners 
Assessment plans
Assessment plan copying 
Assessment plan notifications 
Assessor and IQA countersigning 
Bespoke reporting
Break in Learning
Bulk edit 
Continued access after a learner is archived 
Creating a Centre Admin 
Creating a Learner 
Creating an Assessor 
Creating an IV/IQA 
Creating an EV/EQA 
Creating an Employer / Line manager / Other System User 
Date of birth setting for users 
Deleted or deleting items 
Emailing into VQManager
Email summary notifications 
Employer activity report
Employer details
EPA exporting Evidence
EPA exporting Activity Logs
EPA exporting Diary Entries
Expert witness
File librarian 
Framework creation 
Guided learning hours
IQA Collaboration
Linking learners to OSU automatically
Linking users together 
Mapping between qualifications
Logging evidence note for learners
Messages – creating messages for your centre
Multi assessor function
Off the job training
Password resetting/forgotten
Password resetting – troubleshooting
Password strength meter 
Progress reviews 
Progress reviews – adding notes for assessors
Progression Tracker
Report Builder
Sampling plans
Sharing sampling plans
Sharing documents with users 
Shortcuts page for assessors
Shortcuts page for learners
Shortcuts page for Employers/LM
Sign off declarations
Trainee assessors
Unit assignment by assessors 
Welcome message 

Organisation Adminstrator

Activity log categories 
Archiving and Un-archiving units 
Checking qualifications in Demo 
Curriculum field 
Default units 
Employer field 
Minimum requirements 
New qualification set up video
Password resetting/forgotten


Awarding body endorsements 
Bespoke reporting
Choosing a tablet 
Date Fields
Electronic signatures/digital signatures 
Expert witness 
File size 
Framework tracker 
Guided learning hours (GLH) 
Inter-qualification mapping
Multi-Factor Authentication
Password resetting/forgotten
Password security tips 
Question banks 
Rules of combination
Special learning adaptations
Security and HTTPS 
Webinar tool comparison 
Welcome message

Training Documents

Learner manual Pt 1
Learner manual Pt 2
Assessor manual Pt 1
Assessor activities Pt 1 (inc learner)
Assessor manual Pt 2
Assessor activities Pt 2 (inc learner)
IQA manual
IQA activities
Centre Admin manual
Centre Admin activities

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