Oct ’20 – Intent, Implementation and Impact

Just three of the areas for which, if you’re to achieve an outstanding inspection, you will need to be able to demonstrate excellence. And they are just three of the areas for which VQManager has been designed to provide you with the maximum advantage, helping you to demonstrate your performance in key Ofsted areas.

Intent– record learner aims, add a 360-degree initial assessment to ascertain starting competence/knowledge, set up sequences of review dates, create learner-specific assessment plans, record RAG ratings for assessors, set out pre-defined verification strategies.

Implementation – demonstrate learner progress against targets, view assessment plan completion, show actual OTJH completion, view summative comments, view employer comments, view progress reviews & learner reflective diaries, demonstrate accuracy of actual review dates against planned dates.

Impact – see learner and staff retention rates, see completion rates, view sequences of reviews and final 360-degree review to show learner progress whilst on a programme, see learner and employer comments.

VQManager will provide you with all this information and much more, using real-time data, to ensure that whatever you’re asked to demonstrate at an inspection, is right there at your fingertips.

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