July ’20 – Delivering apprenticeships in the New Normal.

As providers resume their activities, they find themselves working in a landscape which is somewhat different to the one we considered normal pre-Covid.  

This often means that not just learners, but also assessors and IQAs are working far more independently. It also means that we need to make adjustments for learners who have been furloughed or taken other breaks in learning. 

In the latest round of enhancements to VQManager, you will find some enhanced reporting around assessor activities. 

The all new Assessor Activity Report provides a detailed view of each assessor’s activity, including fields for date, time, activity, learner and qualification. This provides a very clear log of activities.

Then, in the existing Tutor Performance report we have added two new columns, one showing the number of evidence items currently awaiting assessment and the other showing the age of the oldest piece of evidence awaiting assessment. Together, these provide a snapshot showing whether the assessor is currently coping with their workload.

It is hoped that these two enhancements will make it easier for providers to be able to see what assessors are doing and ensure they’re not overloaded, whilst at the same time automating a task for assessors who are currently compiling and submitting their own activity reports.

With the increase in individuals working remotely, it is also advantageous for Centre Administrators and Other System Users to be able to view not just the assessor’s inputs, but also those of the Line Manager / workplace employer. So that, too has been added as an option that’s available to you.

Finally, we are conscious that with a lot of learners having had an informal or formal break in learning, things like the pre-set progress review meeting dates that you initially set up will probably now need to be adjusted. Therefore, these dates, which were once cast in stone, are now able to be adjusted by the centre administrator, re-setting the pattern of future dates.

These, and more, updates are all included within our latest software release. We hope that they will help VQManager to remain a key tool for you as we all start to make sense of the New Normal. 

For full details of the enhancements, click HERE

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