August ’17 – Why should you use an independent e-portfolio?

Increasingly, Awarding Organisations (AOs) are not only offering their own e-portfolios, but suggesting to their customers that these are the only e-portfolios they should use. But what happens if you deliver qualifications from a number of different AOs?Providers are faced with a potential situation where they will need to run multiple e-portfolios, to satisfy the different AOs. That means people having to be trained on different systems, some people being trained on multiple systems and the technical integration with your learner management system, that will have to be solved multiple times too.

Even if you only use one AO, what happens if you want to switch to a different AO? Your users will all need to learn a new system and you may also be ransomed by your previous AO because you’re relying on them to commit to provide you with ongoing access to your historic learner data

 Clearly either of these would be a very unsatisfactory situation.

VQManager is entirely independent and has been accredited by all the major AOs. Independent means that we can load qualifications and standards from any AO, or even programmes designed by yourselves. If you use VQManager and decide to change your AO, you keep your existing e-portfolio and you keep your data. Isn’t that a better solution? 

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