Feb ’21 – New Government initiative to help Apprentices

In a move that will surely be welcomed across our industry, the Government has this week announced the launch of a new organisation, The Association of Apprentices, to assist apprentices who are struggling to stay on and complete their courses. 

The AoA will make special guidance available to apprentices, including advice around what to do should their provider cease to operate or should they lose their employment. 

Non-completions are a major concern – in 2018/19 more than half of the 54,000+ apprentices who were due to complete their Standards, dropped out before their end point assessment. 

An Association of Apprentices has been launched in an effort to help boost the number of the work-based trainees staying on and completing their course. Partners in the not-for-profit initiative include the BBC, Babington, Health Education England, NCFE, Salesforce and the Royal Mail. 

More information can be found on the AoA website, here  https://www.associationofapprentices.org.uk/

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