Did you know……?

Each month we are adding a “top tip” to help you make best use of VQManager’s functions. Just click on the relevant document for all the information you need.

#7 Sept 2024 Planning for your learner in VQManager without using the assessment plan templates.

There are three other ways in the system where you can create something similar to an assessment plan, without using the assessment plan function.

  1. You can use the Activity log to create actions for your learner
  2. You can create a new piece of evidence in the Log new evidence tab and sent it to your learner with actions
  3. You can use the Calendar not only to set a date of your next visit but also details of anything you would like them to complete before the visit

For more information, please follow this link:https://skillwise.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Planning-without-using-assessment-plans.pdf

#6 Sept 2023  You can add the learner’s line manager to VQManager – free of charge?

The line manager uses the user role of the same name in the system and can be set up by the Centre Administration.  The role name in VQ can be changed so if you prefer “employer” we can accommodate this, just drop us a message.

The line manager is then linked to the learner(s) so that s/he can contribute to several aspects of the learner’s e-portfolio:

  • Confirm Off the Job Hours.
  • Confirm and add comments to progress reviews added by the assessor.
  • Confirm qualification sign off and add comments.
  • Complete a Progression Tracker to evidence learner progress whilst on programme
  • See when plans or reviews are due on the learner’s calendar.
  • Receive email notifications when:
    • A progress review needs confirming.
    • OTJ hours need confirming.
    • An assessment plan has passed its due date.
    • A progress review has passed its due date.
  • On the dashboard tab can:
    • view progress against qualification and OTJ hours.
    • see when the learner last logged on.
    • see when the learner last logged evidence.
  • Run reports to ensure the learner(s) is on target.

The line manager has his/her own Shortcuts page for excellent visibility.

Select this link to find out more: https://skillwise.net/support/support-index/employer-line-manager/

#5 May 2023 – Viewing evidence description on the To Do tab

In the last release, we added a function whereby assessors can now hover over and view the Summary description of evidence from the To Do list.  This means they can now see the title of the piece of evidence without having to open it.

So, if your learner has more than one assessor/teacher, a top tip would be to ask the learner to include the initials of the assessor within the title of the evidence.  Using this new function, the assessors/teachers can hover over the evidence number and see the summary description and also their own initials to see instantly who has perhaps set the work or who is the most appropriate person to assess/mark that piece of work. An assessment plan reference number could also be quoted for ease.

Select this link to find out more: https://skillwise.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Mouseover-to-see-Evidence-Description.pdf

#4 February 2023 – Bespoke reporting

There is a report builder for assessors, IQAs, Employers, OSU and Centre Administrators, so users can create and save their own, bespoke reports.  

The function allows for:

  • unlimited number of bespoke reports for each user.
  • option for adding a new report.
  • option for deleting a report.

Users can run these saved reports every week, month or whenever they like.

Select this link to find out more: https://skillwise.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Bespoke-reporting-V2-1.pdf

#3 January 2023 – Progression Tracker

In addition to reporting a learner’s progress, VQManager can track knowledge, skills and behaviour improvements for the learner from the start of the qualification until the end?

You can also show ‘value added’ as the learner works through their qualification. The function allows learners, assessors and line managers (employers) to show a ‘rating’ against each criterion in either a standard or qualification to show progress.
The “Progression tracker” tab is in the Reports area and is visible for all users and the evaluations are initiated and completed on an ad hoc basis, with the assessor deciding how many to do and when.

Learners, Assessors and Line Managers can contribute to the evaluation.

Line Manager/Employer Select this link to find out more: https://skillwise.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Progression-Tracker-LM.pdf

Assessors, IQAs and CA Select this link to find out more: https://skillwise.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Progression-Tracker.pdf

Learner To find our more, follow this link: https://skillwise.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Learner-Progression-Tracker-V1.pdf

#2 December 2022 – OTJ Hours

There are some rules in respect of Off the Job hours which may affect the total number of hours being reported.  For the hours to count – they MUST:

  • Fall within the start date and end dates of any qualification they are doing- i.e. if they are doing a framework, the earliest start date and the latest end date for any of those qualifications.  These are set up in the User profile by the Centre Admin
  • Be confirmed by the assessor. 
  • Have a date of activity logged in the activity log field, hours won’t count if they are logged in an Activity Log entry and the ‘Actual date’ field is left blank.

If you think insufficient hours are being included for any learner, please check all of the above criteria is being met.

To find out more about this function, please select this link: https://skillwise.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Off-the-job-training-V2.pdf

#1 November 2022 – Gap Analysis

Did you know…… there are several areas in VQManager where you can see the Gap analysis?

Reports >> Progress >> Gap Analysis

Reports >> Progress >> Evidence matrix

Log new evidence page >> Criteria met section

Select this link to see the information in more detail: https://skillwise.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Where-can-I-see-the-gap-analysis-1.pdf

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