Induction / Onboarding

Induction and Onboarding

If, in the future, you need to prove that today’s new starters correctly completed their induction materials, will you be able to? 

Whether you are an employer or a training provider, the chances are that your new starters will be required to complete a number of induction activities or complete certain forms. VQManager provides an excellent platform upon which to manage this process, as well as being a repository that holds a lasting record of each individual’s submissions.

Your own preferences:

VQManager allows you to build your own structure to match your induction process, as well as storing a library of your bespoke templates to allow for consistent recording of information.

Permanent employee record:

Each individual’s personal details, along with contact information, notes of special learning needs etc can be stored and viewed by permitted parties such as current and future tutors, assessors and employers.

Experience and qualifications:

CVs and records of any qualifications held by the individual can be held, along with copies of any relevant certificates.

Onboarding training and/or statutory programmes:

It may be that you have certain product- or industry-related learning content, or perhaps you have content which covers areas such as diversity or health & safety. VQManager allows you to deploy this content to your employees or learners, you can track whether they have accessed it and you can also include an associated knowledge test so that you can view and record their degree of comprehension.

Whatever your approach to induction or onboarding, VQManager will allow you to manage the end to end process, whilst creating a lasting HR record. 

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