March ’18 – Off the Job Training (OTJT)

The Apprenticeship Standards include a 20% Off the Job Training requirement within the apprentices employed time. This is the mandatory minimum amount of time that should be spent doing Off the Job Training during an apprenticeship and must be properly planned for and recorded. Training providers and employers will need to work together to plan learning activity outside of the apprentice’s normal working duties. This requirement applies to apprenticeships at all levels.

Off the Job Training is defined as ‘learning which is undertaken outside of the normal day-to-day working environment and leads towards the achievement of an apprenticeship’. This can include training that is delivered at the apprentice’s normal place of work but must not be delivered as part of their normal working duties. The Off the Job Training must be directly relevant to the apprenticeship framework or standard.

Off the Job Training could include: 

  • The teaching of theory: lectures, role play, simulation, online learning or manufacturer training
  • Practical training: shadowing, mentoring, industry visits and attendance at competitions
  • Learning support and time spend writing assessments/assignments
  • Induction so long as this includes actual training and skills development (eg. technical training) 

Off the Job Training does not include:  

  • English and Maths (up to Level 2) as this is funded separately
  • Progress reviews or on-programme assessment
  • Training which takes place outside the apprentice’s paid working hours 

For further information please go to the Government website here

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