April ’19 – The Qualification Debate – prior learning

One of the more interesting debates around the coffee stations at the recent AAC Conference, was around the purpose of apprenticeship qualifications. One sentiment followed the belief that if, on initial assessment, a learner was deemed to already have much of the knowledge and experience required to complete an Apprenticeship, then they should not be eligible to commence.

The justification for this was that even if a reduced funding model was agreed (to account for the reduced training period), the fact that this learner would need to receive relatively little training and experience was not consistent with the fundamental ethos of an Apprenticeship. Fair enough. However, the others argued that an Apprenticeship is not just about the learner journey, it’s also about the attainment of the qualification upon completion.

So, is it fair, in the case of an employee who may already be close to reaching the required standard, to deny them the ability to sit EPA and achieve a qualification that may be vital for their progression and career? It’s an interesting debate… where do you stand 

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