June ’19 – VQManager and Sustainability

There can be few providers who are not seriously considering issues of sustainability, or their ‘green agenda’. Whether it’s driven through corporate accountability, or simply wanting to do the ‘right thing’, your attitude towards sustainability is becoming more and more important. So here’s the good news – as a VQManager user you already tick many sustainability and environmental boxes.

Your paper savings will be significant. Think of those rooms full of cardboard files crammed with paper evidence that you used to have – taking up valuable space and all destined to be thrown away after 5 years. Then consider all the paper you used to use for reporting. If you care to add it up, you’ll probably find you’re saving a very considerable amount of paper and pulp products. And then you might want to consider the environmental cost of posting those files up and down the country. 

What about fuel? Every time an assessor uses the e-portfolio to process evidence, provide steering or log an update – rather than physically visiting a student – the fossil fuel savings are clear, as are the consequent reductions in polluting gases.

We would never advocate removing important face to face visits altogether – but if one or two visits per learner can be avoided without detriment to the learner, isn’t that a good thing? You’re also making assessment available to learners who may live in remote locations, or who may experience mobility problems, too. 

So next time you write your green statement, think about the benefits that simply using VQManager is bringing to your organisation and the environment we all share. 

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